vrijdag 18 mei 2007

Rosaecrucius' Chronicle # 4

Part of my problem is that I cannot dispel the myths that have somehow accumulated over the years. Somebody writes something, it`s completely off the wall, but it gets filed and repeated until everyone believes it.

"There's something in the human personality which resents things that are clear, and conversely, something which is attracted to puzzles, enigmas and allegories." - Stanley Kubrick

It is so easy for the most clever, careful and conscientious historian OUTSIDE OF OUR ORDER, to be mistaken about facts which deal with the INSIDE. You must be initiated, to KNOW, although, of course, you may SURMIZE at any time.- HSL

Ik verzeker je dat degene die vanuit de gewone betekenissen probeert te begrijpen wat de hermetische filosofen hebben geschreven, verdwaalt in de gangen van een labyrint waarvan hij de uitgang nooit meer zal vinden. - Cagliostro

In 1602/3/4 a new star appeared in Cygneus (the Swan) causing more wonder. But in 1604 the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter (along with Mars) happened in Sagittarius that marked the commencement of great conjunctions in the "fiery trigon" (Sag, Leo, and Aries). And maybe more
remarkable, a new star appeared right above it in Serpentario (aka Ophiuchus, the serpent-holder - Asclepius the Healer). This heralded a New Age to many sky watchers. And to the authors of the manifestoes, it was the time that Brother C.R.'s tomb was found and opened.

"Yea, the Lord God hath already sent before certain Messengers, which should testify his Will, to wit, some new Stars which do appear and are seen in the Firmament in Serpentario and Cygno, which signifie and give themselves known to every one, that they are powerful Signacula of great weighty matters." (Confessio)

According to masonic history, Ormus was the name of an Egyptian sage and mystic, a Seraphic priest, a gnostic adept of Alexandria who may have lived during the early years of the Christian epoch. In A.D. 46 he and six followers were supposedly converted to a form of Christianity by one of Jesus' disciples Mark. From this conversion a new sect or order is said to have been born, which fused the tenets of early Christianity with the teachings of the mystery schools. About the same time the Essenes and other Jews founded a school of science according to Solomon's teachings and joined Ormus.

According to Baron de Westerode, who was associated with the Rite des Philalethes, the founder of the Rosicrucians was one Ormesius, who had been converted by St. Mark, at Alexandria. He purified the Egyptian Rite, and reconciled them with Christianity, carrying his 6 disciples with him, and founded the Society of ORMUS, or the Light, each member wearing a red cross. This story is plausible enough. During the first century A.D. Alexandria was a veritable hotbed of mystical activity, a crucible in which Judaic, Mithraic, Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Hermetic and Neo-Platonic doctrines merged and it would hardly be surprising if one of the teachers adopted a name implying the principle of light. One cannot miss the similarity with words like, Osiris, omph, omphalos, OM + rus etc.
We may thus see in Ormus the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians.
There is also a noticeable link between Ormus and the early Coptic Christianity of Egypt. On the walls of the Coptic Museum in the Old City of Cairo, it is possible to trace the evolution of the Ankh and Rose Cross through the first and second centuries.

Jacques-Etienne Marconis de Nègre ‘Le Sanctuaire de Memphis’1849 :
"Ces derniers la détenaient ‘des Frères d’Oriënt, dont le fondateur était un sage d’Egypte du nom d’Ormus, converti au Christianisme par saint Marc. Ormus purifia la doctrine des Egyptiens, selon les préceptes du Christianisme. Vers le même temps, les Esséniens et autres Juifs fondèrent une école de science Salomonique, qui se réunit à Ormus. Les disciples d’Ormus, jusqu’en 1118, restèrent seuls dépositaires de l’ancienne sagesse égyptienne, purifiée par le Christianisme et la science Templiers : ils étaient alors connu sous le nom de Chevaliers de la Palestine ou FF:. Rose-Croix d’Orient; c’est eux que le Rite de Memphis reconnaît pour fondateurs immédiats.

And what to think about the instigator of the Carolingian renaissance, Alcuin a.k.a. Albinus the great scholar and teacher of Charlemagne, wasn't he in reality a rosicrucian? The first rosicrcucian lodge is said to have been founded in 804 in Toulouse France by Arnaud a.k.a. Amus.

Rosicrucian history has been frequently placed to dawn in the life and times of Thotmes III. But Martin Erler "Frater Albinus / Triunis" (b. 26/04/1920 - 11/08/2014), former head of the Ordo Rosae Aureae (1956), maintains in a private phonecall A.D. 2000, that its origins are to be set around 2.800 B.C. In his letter of 29 September 1998, he likewise avers to Marcel Roggemans: Concerning Rosicrucianism we have done serious scientific research and we had to find out that even the Fama Fraternitatis is already a Palliativum. Symbolism and rites really root back to old Egypt, but strange to say, not to Amenophis IV. We have material at hand (with full scientific evidence) but do not publish it. It is part of our top degree work. ::Sub Symbolo ROSAE AUREAE::

The externalisation of the order took place three times in history and at very crucial times of it: Before the thirty years' war, prior to the French revolution and preceding the twentieth century with the Russian revolution and the Great War.

One should have wished that with the advent of the internet, some new light were shed on this age old mystery, however it's not what one would have fortold. Those who entertain their "rosicrucian" pages in these desperate times, mostly being issued for their self-aggrandizement, often seem to do so out of chagrin and disillusionment or plain evil purposes. Under the guise of rosicrucianism they articulate their frustration, exhibit their pathological quest for documentation and carry their "arguments" ad absurdum. Well, nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

So unfortunately, we must acknowledge and regret though, that there exist many false prophets and a number of so-called initiates who use, for selfish and tyrannical purposes of domination, the pretext of initiation, to thrust themselves on, and exploit,gullible and sincere persons.

All proving, that in the end they seem to have grasped very little of the true rosicrucian tenet. Demonstrating all the world how spiritual and simultaneously how ignorant they are, because they always have put their dis-eased EGO's first and failed completely to understand the meaning of the little word that frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is LOVE. AMOR vincit omnia...

The historians who are of the opinion they can find the ultimate rosicrucian truth in books, documents and through recorded history, make another crucial though very common mistake. The normal practise of these "rosicrucian" writers is to say that they are not themselves rosicrucians, nor have they ever seen one! According to this theory those who have sought to record the events of importance in connection with the rosicrucian controversy, have invariably failed because they approached their subject from a purely physical or material angle. So let's leave these modern pharisees, and quickly define once more the history of the order, since:
The genesis or the Order of the Crucians isn't to be looked for in parchments and documents, since the Rose Cross isn't founded on earth but in the invisible!

Rosaecrucius' Chronicle # 3

Il me paroit, que tout ce que l’on a dit des Frères de la Croix de la Rose, est une pure invention de quelque personne ingénieuse…

"How could we possibly appreciate the Mona Lisa if Leonardo had written at the bottom of the canvas: 'The lady is smiling because she is hiding a secret from her lover." - Stanley Kubrick

All das bedeutet nun nicht, dass das Rosenkeuzertum erst um 1600 entstanden sei. Es besagt aber, dass wir ab diesem Zeitpunkt schriftliche Zeugnisse von bzw. über sie besitzen. Die Spekulationen über das "wahre" Alter der Rosenkreuzer gehen weiter und machen um 1600 nicht halt. – Dr. Wolfram Frietsch in Newtons Geheimnis.

The author(s) of the rosicrucian manifestos remain obscure and the beginning of the movement is undetermined. However most modern scholars now ascribe the Chymische Hochzeit or Chymical Wedding to Johann Valentin Andreae.

Yes, the very word rosicrucian is subject to a considerable number of controversies. The name is generally, assumed to be derived from the supposed founder of the order, Christian Rosenkreuz (Christ of the Rose Cross), but according to others, it was taken from the coat of arms of the Andreae family, which is a St. Andrew Cross with four roses. Others again say, it is composed of Ros, dew and Crux which is supposed to mystically represent LVX or light. It is also interesting to note that the word Ras means wisdom, while Rus is translated concealment.

The Rosicrucian Order AMORC is reproached for its advertising and blamed by other occultists as un-rosicrucian like, though totally ignoring the fact that it once was the rosicrucians themselves who virtually invented the art of advertising and public relations!
The Invisibles invited new members to join their order through placards placed in the streets of Paris on 3 March 1623. (Some claim this was in August). For a long time, this strange placard was the sole topic of conversation in all public places.

According to the Mercure François the manuscript copies of the placards were passed round, hand to hand, and some were fixed to signposts at the crossroads - a fact that couldn't fail to have some magical significance!

"We, the deputies of the Principal College of the Brethren of the RoZe-Croix, have taken up our abode, visible and invisible, in this city, by the grace of the Most High, towards whom are turned the hearts of the Just. We teach without books or signs and speak the language of any country where we wish to be, to draw mankind, our fellows, from error and death".

We leave it to the ingenuity of the discriminating reader whether these posters were the consequence of the earlier publication of a number of pamphlets on the rosicrucian controversy c.q. anticipating it and or whether we are dealing here with a ludibrium.

This caused a rosicrucian scare and the very first media hoax in history. Gabriel Naudé
in his "Instruction à la France sur la vérité de l'histoire des Frères de la Roze-Croix" speaks of a hurricane of rumour blowing through France. Others speak of Horrible Pacts made between the Devil and the Pretended Invisible Ones. (God had covered them with a thick cloud, by means of which they could shelter themselves from the malignity of their enemies, and that they could thus render themselves invisible from all eyes). There are said to be six-and-thirty of these Invisible Ones and none less than Satan himself is the alleged head of their college. These rosicrucians were a confraternity of drunken imposters and secret people, hence the meaning of the rose in connection with them (rather an interesting suggestion). They have the power to transport themselves where ever they wished.

All of Paris was in alarm. No man thought himself secure of his goods, no maiden of her virginity, or wife of her chastity, while these rosicrucians were abroad. In the midst of all perplexity, a second notice appeared, which contained a statement to the effect that:

"If anyone desires to see the brethren of the Rose-Cross from curiosity alone, he will never communicate with us. But if his will really induces him to inscribe his name in the register of our brotherhood, we, who can judge the thoughts of men, will convince him of the truth of our promises. For this reason we do not publish to the world the place of our abode. Thought alone, in unison with the sincere will of those who desire to know us, is sufficient to make us known to them, and them to us."

It was generally believed that the six (out of total 36) emissaries who dwelt in France, were lodged somewhere in the "Marests du Temple", a quarter which soon afterwards acquired rather a bad reputation. It was figured by the populace that the members of this dreadful and secret brotherhood used to visit the inns and hotels of Paris, eat the best meals, drink the best wines and then suddenly vanished into thin air when the landlord came with the reckoning. Gentle maidens went to bed alone, awoke at night and found men in bed with them, more beautiful than Apollo (the Incubus?), though immediately becoming invisible when an alarm was raised. Others found large heaps of gold in their houses, not knowing whence it came.

Dr. Nicolaes Wassenaer: Historisch verhael aller gedenkwaerdigheden, Amsterdam, 1624: "They are transported from one place to another in the twinkling of an eye. They make themselves invisible, garb herbs and know how to read the secret thoughts of men."
The church very soon took up the question and the Abbé Gaultier another Jesuit, wrote a book to prove that, by their enmity to the Pope, they could be none other than the disciples of Luther, sent to promulgate his heresy. Yes their very name proved they were heretics: a cross surmounted by a rose being the heraldic device of arch-heretic Martin Luther.

It seems that the anonymous author of the "Effrayables pactions faites entre le Diable et les prétendus Invisibles" and the Pater Jesuit R.P. Garasse's "Doctrine curieuse des beaux esprits de ce temps, ou prétendus tels." are working up a witch-craze against the "invisible" rosicrucians with their pompous manifestos and their diabolical intentions. The rosicrucians, says Garasse, are a sect in Germany and Michael Maier is its secretary. Encouraged by this clerical authority, an anonymous writer published his "Examen sur l'inconnue et nouvelle caballe des Freres de la croix rosee, habituez depuis peu de temps en la Ville de Paris".

Such was the consternation in Paris that every man, who couldn't give a satisfactory account of himself, was in danger of being pelted to death; and disquieted citizens slept with loaded muskets at their bedsides, to take vengeance of any rosicrucian who might violate the sanctity of their chambers. The the police endeavoured in vain to find out the offenders. This row lasted well into 1624, by which time we may well imagine that the rosicrucians had long slipped out of France, as invisibly as they had arrived!

Apparently some of them headed to Holland, where in 1625 the "Hof van Holland" instigated the prosecution of some folks, who named themselves "Broeders van den Roosen Cruce" and came from Paris to this region and spread doctrines and do things detrimaental to the country and its citizens:
"in de religie seer erroneus ende ketters"

The verdict of a Judicium the theologican faculty of Leyden was crushing:
"In stumperige schuijten-praet, bruiloftslied en kleppermanswensch werden de pamfletten pseudoniem of anoniem aan den man gebracht"

The Dutch Grand Master, painter Torrentius was arrested on 29 august 1627, imprisoned, tortured and eventually banned to England with the aid of Prince Frederik Hendrik and King Charles I of England.

The rosicrucian renaissance is said to have begun in 1614, but as it should be clear to the reader by now, this was merely the externalization of their organisation.

Allegorical letter about a Rosicrucian adept. Quid est Veritas...

"Aux magiciens et aux charlatans qu'on appelle Frères de la Rose-Croix, lesquels se vantent d'entendre Trismégiste et tous les cabalistes de l'Antiquité".

"Je tiefer man in die Rosenkreuzer-Forschung einsteigt, desto weniger weiss man und um so mehr wird man mit sich selbst konfrontiert, mit seinen Vorurteilen, Meinungen und Weltbildern, die es nach und nach zu revidieren und zu verändern gilt.
Die Erforschung der Rosenkreuzer-Schriften gleicht einer Reise in unser eigenes Innere". – Wolfram Frietsch

"True wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance" - Akhenaton

A strange myth, but nevertheless a story remarkably congruent to the accounts of C.R.C., is to be found in the chronicles of German nobleman named Hans Aldekmaier who, living in the late thirteenth century and after having a vision or mystical experience, decided to join a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Once arrived there, he felt dangerously ill and in lieu of providing him with medicine his physician prescribed him to embark upon a journey to the great pyramid of Cheops!
He discovered a hidden door through which he entered the biggest structure on earth.
Inside, in a tomb, he spotted 100 coffins and everlasting lamps, lined-up in four rows of five-and-twenty. Approaching the 22nd coffin he discerned an old man who was there praying. (Little imagination is needed here to note a reference to the 22nd / 0 (fool = Aldekmaier) and 21st card (world = old man) of the Tarot. This old sage lived in a cell inside the pyramid. He explained that his whole live had been dedicated to the study of nature and arts and that his life was now drawing to a close (he was already 210) and that he had been anxiously waiting for the arrival Aldekmaier.
The sage told Aldekmaier where upon his demise he would be able to find the key to a cabinet where he would find a little container with a red elixir. Only three drops of the elixir were needed and to be put upon a glowing charcoal fire, the rising vapours of which he should inhale. This were to extend his lifespan by at least one hundred years. Some of the information, was given viva voce, from mouth to ear, by the magus, since it would be simply to dangerous to put this into writing. Knowledge of the Philosophers Stone and the secret of inexhaustible wealth would seriously hold back the progress of the human family, if fallen into the wrong hands naturally.
The old man handed Aldekmaier a mysterious book consisting of sixty papyrus pages. In case Aldekmaier was able solve the third problem on the eleventh page of that book, he would live even longer than the sage, an expectation which Aldekmaier didn't meet, living "only" till the age two hundred years. In order to prevent any possible misinterpretation of this text by translating it, I will reproduce it here in (old) Dutch just as I found it (the same goes for the below mentioned epitaph of our friend Hans Aldekmaier b.t.w.):

"In den schoot des levens - den dood;
uit den schoot des doods - het leven.
Neem hiertoe het getal zeven, met behulp van hetzelfde getal door zeven vermenigvuldigd"

Aldekmaier pierced this mystery and to his solution of the riddle, the world according to legend owes the founding of the Rose Cross brothers!? His epitaph speaks volumes:

Hier rust in Godes Hand,
Hans Aldekmaier uit 't Saksenland
Een zeer geleerd en dapper heer,
Ach, waren er toch zulken meer!
Hem was, trots aller boozen nijd,
Beschoren hoe men langen tijd
Het mensch'lijk leven kon verlengen.
Hijzelve stierf, door zijn belagers.
Vervolgd, doch liet hij met zijn gunst,
Aan zijne vrienden ook zijn kunst.
Die vrienden waren uit Zwitserland.
En heetten Broederen van Rozenkruis.
Zij hebben ook voor het geloof gestreden
En daarvoor den martelaarsdood geleden.
Een zalige wederopstanding mag
God hen verschaffen op den jongsten dag.

Thus wrote Trespassa A.D. 1484

vrijdag 11 mei 2007

The Rosicrucian Chronicles of Pater Cathare...

Met wat over de Rozekruisers te lezen is, kon ik niets beginnen. Ik moest mijn eigen geschiedenis over de Rozekruisers schrijven. Dat duurde lang – en ik heb vaak gedacht dat het maar beter zou zijn om de hele rommel te laten voor wat hij is...- Will-Erich Peuckert

"Il y a deux histoires: L'histoire officielle, mensongère, qui nous est enseignée, et l'histoire secrète où se trouvent les vraies causes des évènements, une histoire honteuse." - Honoré de Balzac

Le mystère de la Rose-Croix n'a pas encore été percé. La légende se mêle étroitement à la vérité historique... L'Ordre de la Rose-Croix est une confrérie de savants, d'alchimistes et de chercheurs en ésotérisme qui se manifesta au XVIIe siècle. Les adeptes étaient liés d'une manière très informelle, mais la légende qui les entourait fut et reste très prenante.

The Rose-Croix is one of the manifestations of the Providence of God.

The Order of the Crucians
relies not on outward weapons,
but on the Word of God and tongues of fire!


Benedictus Dominus Deus noster, qui dedit nobis signum…

The Fool living in the Forest or Errors, who embarks upon the Promethean and thankless task of trying to reconstruct the Corpus Rosicrucianum, is faced with sheer unabridgeable problems.
The number of books written by so-called rosicrucian writers to solve the mysteries, secrets and riddles of these invisible ones could well fill a library.
But in the end they all appear to be based on the very few standard works, which in their present form are neither agreed upon nor shed a great deal of light on their real mysteries, and in the end raising more questions than answering them. Forlorn Hope! Project Mayhem!
In fact they're all parroting earlier writers, due a lack of factual information. I've put this to the test, by posting some crackpot theories in so-called rosicrucian forums, which were, very soon reiterated by the followers and presented by these ignorami as the ultimate rosicrucian truth!
"Da steh' ich nun, ich armer Tor! Und bin so klug als wie zu vor".

Most and very prominent scholars have agreed upon the rosicrucian enlightenment to commence by the dawn of the seventeenth century, very conveniently and (un)intentionally ignoring some very pressing facts.

The truth is however that Rosicrucian wisdom has existed since the Atlantean times, but it only became known by this name in the fifteenth century. History tells us very little about the real Rosicrucians because in the past it was required of initiates that they work quietly, whilst living ordinary lives. The lessons learned from the burning of the Cathars and the destruction of the Templar Order had been well learned.

L'Ordre des Frères c.q. Rose + Croix d'Orient was founded in 1054 by Michael Psellus, great scholar of Constantinople and modelled in 1090 in Constantinople under the patronage of emperor Alexius Comnenus. The full title of the Order was "Order of the Knights and Brethren of St. John the Evangelist from Asia in Europe."
The Order of the Unknown Philosophers was said to be descended from L'Ordre des Frères d'Orient. This Order was reputed to have included such luminaires as; Heinrich Khunrath, Alexander Sethon, Sendivogius, Jacob Böhme and Rudolph Salzmann. who was initiated in the Elus Cohens. Rudolph Salzmann initiated Louis Claude de Saint-Martin in 1788 in the Sociéte des Philosophes Inconnus.

In 1629 when the rosicrucian craze was at its zenith, French historian the Abbé of Gisors, Robert Denyau, explicitly stated that the rosicrucians were founded A.D. 1188 by Jean de Gisors.
The first public announcement of anything close to a rosicrucian order is the story of Omnis Moriar in 1115. A very similar Swedish legend avers that eighty-one Rose Cross brothers came from the Orient between 1118 and 1188 under the care of Garimont, Patriarch of Jerusalem. The allegedly went to the Archbiship of Upsal, where they entombed the Corpus Rosicrucianum in a marble tomb, placed in a subtrerranean vault.

Jacques-Etienne Marconis de Nègre ‘Le Sanctuaire de Memphis’1849 : En 1150, quatre-vingt-un d’entre eux arrivèrent en Suède, sous la conduite de Garimont, et se présentèrent à l’archevêque d’Upsal ( Upsala ), qui reçut d’eux le dépôt des connaissances maçonniques. Ce furent ces quatre-vingt-un Maçons qui établirent la Maçonnerie en Europe.

And according to its own statutes the "Ordre des Frères Aînés de la Rose + Croix", was founded on 2 December 1316 by Guy de Montanor, Gaston de la Pierre Phoebus, Pierre le Bon de Lombardie and Richard l'Anglois. Shrouded in "nuit et brouillard" Les Gouliards, the medieval clerks and print-makers whose mystical and heretical watermarks so fascinated Harold Bayley, are also pointed in this direction.

Another source testifies that subsequent to the battle of Bannockburn, Bruce and the St. Anthony Templars founded the new Order of the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross in 1317 --- from which the Kings of Scots became the hereditary Grand masters, with each successive Stewart King holding the title of "Prince Saint Germain".

René Guénon thinks that the "true origin of Rosicrucianism are the Orders of Knights, who in the Middle Ages, forged true intellectual links between the East and the West".
Others again consider the Fede Santa a.k.a. Fedeli d'Amore (Faithful of Love) as the precursors or even the instigators of the rosicrucian movement. It is obvious that Dante, who was one of their leaders, immersed his Divina Comedia with templar and rosicrucian symbolism. The Fede Santa wrote their papers in a coded language (parlar cruz), language of love (hence the name Fedeli d'Amore) to obscure it for "la gente grossa". In their texts the word Rose really means Fede Santa and Love corresponds with their ideals and philosophy. The Court of Love was their Temple. Woman equalled Intelligence, Lover = initiate, fool = wise. We find allusions to a widow who is no widow, the Madonna Intelligenza. It is thought that de Fedeli d' Amore was an outgrowth of a confederation of the Ismaili Sect of the Faithful Ones of Love having connections with the Knights Templar.
Hole Roman Emperor Frederick II was a member too, so it is not surprising that he was excommunicated twice!

Regrettably very little reliable information on this secret society is available in the English medium.

While living in Europe, Francis Bacon was initiated into the mysterious Order of the Knights Templars and learnt a very special secret. Before he returned to London, he travelled to France, Italy, Germany and Spain and at the age of 20 completely devoted himself to the study of law. From his understanding of the secret information he had learned during his initiation into the Knights Templar, he conceived the idea of reactivating various Secret Societies and in 1580 founded the secret Rosicrosse Literary Society in Gray’s Inn. Later in the same year, he founded the Lodge of Free and Accepted or Speculative Masons, also at Gray’s Inn.

Simon Studion (1543- ), who founded the Militia Crucifera Evangelica in 1598 at Nuremberg, continued the work of Joachim de Flore and Paracelsus ; and the "Chemical Wedding" of Andreae continued the thread from the thoughts and work of Studion. It was out of the work of Studion and his Societas Cruce Signati (those marked by the cross), that the Tubingen Circle with Andreae and his friends, the renewed Order of the Rosicrucians grew and evolved.
Simon Studion author of the Naometria, claims that the Militia Crucifera Evangelica were the true source of the Rosicrucians and it indeed appears that one of the earlier titles used by the Rosicrucians was Militia Crucifera Evangelica.
In 1555 the seer Nostradamus fortold the externalization of the rosicrucians in century III 67 which is often and i.m.h.o. wrongly associated with Hitler:

Vne nouuelle secte de Philosophes,
Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs et richesses:
Des monts Germanins ne seront limitrophes,
A les ensuyure auront appuy & presses

Of course this was no big deal for Nostradamus since he and secretly so, was the (acting) head (Nautonnier) of the Prieuré de Sion (Ordre de la Rose + Croix Veritas). : " Mais ce n'est qu'en 1556 que, devenant Grand Maître de l'ordre, ce grand secret luit fut confié… C'est à Turin, que Nostradamus est initié au grand secret des temps à venir… "

The first known historical reference to a Rosicrucian Fraternity with a head called Imperator appears in a treatise: Compendium totius philosophae et alchymiae Fraternitatis Roseae Crucis, ex mandato Serenissimi Comitis Falkenstein, imperatoris nostri, anno Domini MDLXXX.

POST CXX ANNOS PATEBO A.D. 1604 (1484 + 120 = 1604)They asserted that their laws had been found inscribed in a golden book in the tomb of Rosencreuz, and that the required six times twenty years from his death expired in 1604. They were consequently called upon, from that time forth, to promulgate their doctrine for the welfare of mankind.

1604: this is indeed a very convenient date to agree upon, because it frees the scholar of the inoperable task of delving much further into the mysterious and secretive vaults of ancient rosicrucian history. One Rosicrucian Confraternity even had the audacity to rewrite its own history.
In a awkward attempt to anticipate further unsettling questions they have united the Mystery of Rennes-le-Château with the itinerarium of their alleged imperator (Achessel = HSL). Esotérisme de Supermaché!

Pater Cathare is b.t.w. of the opinion that there does actually exist a link to this unsolved mystery, but brothers eh pardon me fratres, certainly not in this way, and definitely not in this manner!
There is a document, authenticated by a notary, which shows that Saunière attended a Martinist meeting in Lyons on May 11, 1900. His lodgings were two doors away from that of Joanny Bricaud a prominent Martinist. Bricaud (aged 18) met Papus and joined his Martinist Order in 1899, one year before Saunière’s documented attendance. In the pages of the Lodge Minutes book of the Martinist Order of Lyon it says:
Dans la registre de la Très Révérente Loge Martiniste à l'Orient de Lyon, "La Haute Philosophie"... et sur la liste le présent "d'honneur": L'Abbé Saunière.


Many have denied the existence of such a personage as Rosencreuz, and have fixed the origin of this sect at a much later epoch. The first dawning of it, they say, is to be found in the theories of Paracelcus and the reveries of Dr. John Dee, who without intending it, became the actual, though never recognised founder of the rosicrucian philosophy. Others assert this Rosaecrucius was alive and well under the name of Roesgen von Germelshausen.

At any rate, the story of his life, published in the manifestos, gave the name and the ideals of rosicrucianism the most comprehensive airing of any "secret society" in history.


End of Chronicle # 1