
"Gelooft gij alles Gij dwaalt zeer,
Gelooft gij niets, Gij dwaalt nog meer."
Absolute consequentie is de filosofie der dwazen!
"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies." - F. Nietzsche
Real truths are incarnated in myths, fables and prophecies. - Isaac Newton
Opinions have caused more ills than the plague or earthquakes on this little globe of ours.- Voltaire
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
As I said to you my brothers, my posts about HS Lewis are based on research on the truthamorc site, by Marcel Roggemans, by Robert Vanloo, by Milko Boogaard and others. These stem from researches many years ago by researchers Robert Vanloo, Fr Melchior and Elias Ibrahim. Those are sources, not personal opinion!
"O quanta sunt, quod nescitis!"
Well luckily there's some beginning opposition here since: I plan on my opposition not to your opinion but to you attempting to present a jaded opinion about AMORC as fact with a bunch of shifty links and research papers that turn out to be the opinions of others.
According to "O:.n:.e:."
There were other issues there too, including endless pro-and-anti AMORC debates, and I'm hardly innocent there...
to be continued if necessary...
"I know it is the fashion to say that most of recorded history is lies anyway. I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history COULD be truthfully written. In the past people deliberately lied, or they unconsciously coloured what they wrote, or they struggled after the truth, well knowing that they must make many mistakes; but in each case they believed that ‘facts’ existed and were more or less discoverable. And in practice there was always a considerable body of fact which would have been agreed to by almost everyone. If you look up the history of the last war in, for instance, the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, you will find that a respectable amount of the material is drawn from German sources. A British and a German historian would disagree deeply on many things, even on fundamentals, but there would still be that body of, as it were, neutral fact on which neither would seriously challenge the other. It is just this common basis of agreement, with its implication that human beings are all one species of animal, that totalitarianism destroys. Nazi theory indeed specifically denies that such a thing as ‘the truth’ exists. There is, for instance, no such thing as ‘Science’. There is only ‘German Science’, ‘Jewish Science’, etc. The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but THE PAST. If the Leader says of such and such an event, ‘It never happened’—well, it never happened. If he says that two and two are five—well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs—and after our experiences of the last few years that is not a frivolous statement." - George Orwell
Gotta Nickname, Pen name, Pseudonym, Moniker, Alias, AKA...?
Andre has had a number of aliases but his postings are always identifiable. He generally posts on his gossip blog now as his oeuvre, eg 'Picasso was a martinist!' 'AMORC is more than 3500 years old! Much older!';etc garner him little credence on any forum where folk like a fact or two. If you read other blog entries on there, you'll see he's a *big* fan of me too. Lucky ol' Ben.
He has a major beef with Martin Erler's ORA. I get the sense he maybe tried to join them once, but the admiration turned out not to be mutual.
The Hague, Saturday March 5, 2005. Venue: Haags logegebouw (masonic lodge), 2e Sweelinckstraat 131.
A lecture by Dr Marijo Ariens - Volker, "Picasso and Martinism
new insights into the relationship between art and western esotericism.” (at the exact time and in this very location the TMO martinists held their monthly meeting).
Marijo Ariëns graduated Cum Laude in December 2004 at the Free University of Brussels as an art historian with a thesis entitled “De wangen van de Macroprosopus.”A new interpretation of the painting "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" by Pablo Picasso. Here she describes what influence Martinism, a secret society with a para-Masonic character, has had on the modern art of the 20th century, especially in the circle of artists and writers around Pablo Picasso.
Picasso himself demonstrates a thorough knowledge of alchemy, Kabbalah and other esoteric symbolism. This symbolism is the key to a better understanding of his famous painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and leads to the conclusion that our assumptions about Cubism must be fully revised. Her thesis drew a lot of media attention (Trouw, Telegraaf, Cultuurnet).
(More information can be found in OVN Newsletter No. 6, where a
comprehensive review of the thesis is included.)
OVN = Foundation for the advancement of academic research into the history of freemasonry and related currents in the Netherlands.
Pablo Picasso: sein Schlüsselwerk Les demoiselles d’Avigon (1907) hat sehr wenig mit Primitivismus und Afrika zu tun. Die Komposition ist gegründet in kabbalistischen Zeichen, die im Martinismus benutzt wurden. Der Begriff ‚Kubismus’ ist freimaurerisch und stammt auch aus dem Martinismus.
'AMORC is more than 3500 years old! Much older!'
Who said what mate!? Well not me, but this Martin Erler!
But Martin Erler "Frater Albinus / Triunis" (b. 26/04/1920 - 11/08/2014), former head of the Ordo Rosae Aureae (1956), maintains in a private phonecall A.D. 2000, that its origins (of rosicrucianism i.e.)are to be set around 2.800 B.C. In his letter of 29 September 1998, he likewise avers to Marcel Roggemans: Concerning Rosicrucianism we have done serious scientific research and we had to find out that even the Fama Fraternitatis is already a Palliativum. Symbolism and rites really root back to old Egypt, but strange to say, not to Amenophis IV. We have material at hand (with full scientific evidence) but do not publish it. It is part of our top degree work. I do not intend to deride the present Orders that call themselves Rosicrucians - only the historical facts look different.
Sub Symbolo ROSAE AUREAE ::
It's 'Scaro' . . . hope I'm not causing a 'scare'.
He has a major beef with Martin Erler's ORA. I get the sense he maybe tried to join them once, but the admiration turned out not to be mutual. Well uuuh, never assume anything!
My earliest connection with Erler dates from Jan. 2000. Afer we exchanged some correspondence, we started making long phonecalls. Erler invited me a couple of times to visit him at his home in Icking Bavaria, south of Munich. When we (a friend and myself) learned that he'd be for family affairs in a small town called Eschweiler (in the Aachen / Maastricht area) thus not too far, we decided to visit him in July 2000. My friend had just been initiated in the OMPB (Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas) and my initiation into their first degree was already scheduled for late September that year.
When we all four left the hotel room, I carried his bags out to their car, (the Erlers still had to drive back all the way to Bavaria,
Martin gave us both application forms for the ORA and insisted that we'd apply (which my friend who later left the Martinists did).
I felt very uncomfortable though about what he'd said about Martinism. His negative attitude struck and dumbfounded me! It was really negative, since even his wife intervened, Martin leave it, let the guys find out for themselves!
Somewhat later that year, entirely coincidental and completely unintentional, I got to know a some facts, which demonstrated, that there were at least some discrepancies, between what he'd said and written such issues as:
Was he really Grandmaster of AMORC Yes or No? For the definitive answer refer to my next blog.
Ich war einer der ersten Grossmeister des AMORC in Deutschland
(Erler's letter to W*B* dated 13/5/2000)
Was or wasn't he the succesor of Emile Dantinne:
though he later denied and dismissed this claim he wrote:
I was consacrated by Sâr Hieronymus to be his successor.
(Erler's letter to Marcel Roggemans dated 29/9/98) or to me on 21/1/2000: Being the disciple and official successor of Sar Hieronymus, I am bound to utmost caution before passing on secrets. It will be necessary that we know each other know a bit better.
How well did he really know Gustav Meijrink (he saw him only once as a 9yr old boy): In 1928 when Meyrink was in financial trouble and forced to sell his villa and he rented a house with Erler’s aunt. etc. etc.
So the bottom line is that I've been pondering for about about a year and a half, was meanwhile initiated in the second degree of the OMPB, when I decided not to join them mostly because of what he'd said about Martinism. Now ten years later I'm still very happy being a Martinist. And my friend, saw him again after a long time November 2009, at the Jubileum Convent of 75 yrs AMORC in the Netherlands.
And guess what...
"The Aim is to become Artists in the Discovery of Truth"