Tant on donne, tant on reçoit, et tant on reçoit, tant il faut donner.
Please don't lie to me, unless you're absolutely sure I'll never find out the truth.
Please don't lie to me, unless you're absolutely sure I'll never find out the truth.
"What gets us in to trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so" - Mark Twain
Richtig, der Orden der Rosenkreuzer ist unsichtbar, aber wenn er seine Lehrer / Lehrerinnen und Lehren nie im Sichtbaren manifestiert, dann belibt er doch im Akasha und bewirkt auf dieser Ebene nichts, oder?
One of the more persistent phantasmagorias on the internet is Martin Erler's alleged Grandmastership of AMORC.
Martin Erler is the founder (1956) of the Ordo Rosae Aureae (Pythagoreische Initiaten Orden der Goldenen Rose).
Martin Erler was Grootmeester van AMORC van 1949 tot 1954 Webside: Geschiedenis van de Occulte en Mystieke Broederschappen (Though he was informed by me personally this being incorrect, Roggemans didn't bother to ever correct his webside nor his book)
Dantinne resigned from his office as early as in 1952 (He died in 1969), replaced by the former German Grand Master of AMORC, Mr. Martin Erler. (Modern Rosicrucian Groups).
OHTM/ORA O.R.A. (Ordo Rosae Aureae) was founded in 1956 by
Martin Erler after he left AMORC in 1954. Erler was Grand Master of AMORC-Germany.
In 1954, Erler resigned his office as Grand Master of AMORC, and founded the ORA (Ordo Roseae Aureae) in the Munich area with a number of interested colleagues. (Peter Koenig)
Martin Erler was Grand Master of AMORC in Germany from 1949 up to 1955. Martin Erler, still alive today, is an interesting character, mainly because of his background. Erler (Frater Albinus) belonged to a family which were close friends with the famous rosicrucian writer (1868-1932). (Milko Boogaard). This is another confabulation! Gustav Meyrink for a while lived in a house which belonged to an aunt of Erler. And yes, as a 9 yr. old boy, Martin Erler saw Meyrink once!
The O.R.A. (“The Pythagorean Initiatic Order of the Golden Rose” ) was founded in the South of Germany (Munich area, Bavaria) in 1956 by Martin Erler (1920 - …) with i.a. some members of the Fraternitas Saturni (source: Koenig) as well as other interested colleagues. Martin Erler is said to have replaced Émile Dantinne from his office, when the latter resigned in 1952 (source: Fr. Melchior). Marcel Roggemans states that Erler (Albinus) received his initiation from Dantinne in 1957. Martin Erler was involved in reviving rosicrucianism in Post-War Germany. It is stated by various sources that Erler was a Grandmaster of AMORC (1949 -1954) who resigned his office as GM in 1954.
Even Harald Lamprecht fell into the trap of parotting the above "experts", without verifying their sources, when he was writing his doctoral dissertation "Neue Rosenkreuzer" page 153. Well, whatever: copy from one and it’s called plagiarism, steal from many and call it research…
The truth is somewhat different from fiction though: He was Not, and Never Has Been officially AMORC GM!
Martin Erler though for a while was Grand Secretary (In his letter of 26 October 1949, Ralph Lewis requests Erler to assume the office of Grand Secretary, his earliest contact with AMORC dating back to 28 June 1948). In a letter also dated 26 October 1949, Ralph Lewis asks W. Fisher to be the Grandmaster. Erler accepts on 1 November 1949 (assuming the mystical name Triunis), Fisher accepts on 2 November 1949 as Victorius.
So he may for a while definitely have been acting as such (after the untimely resignation of Fisher on 31 October 1951) but was never officially designated GM!
I'm not sure who's been responsible for the creation this myth, his admirers or Martin himself. Though, I am in the possession of at least two letters in which Erler clearly states that he was AMORC Grand Master; just like he personally told me this on more than one occasion.
Exemple quote from his letter dated 13 May 2000:
Ihre Probleme mit der historischen Richtigkeit in den Überlieferungen der Orden sind mir geläufig. Ich hatte selbst sehr damit zu kämpfen (ich war einer der ersten Grossmeister des AMORC in Deutschland).
So for completion and information here follows the official list of the "true" German AMORC Grand Masters: Fischer, Müller, Krön, Raab & Neff.