
"Der Weg ist das Ziel"
“Brother why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking!
Live in silence.” - Jalal ad-Din Rumi
La mobilisation est le ressort du Vénérable Maître.
"A simple gift consisting of 2 letters and some dots".
"He smiled and said that Martinism was "a circle whose circumference was everywhere and the centre nowhere."
"Tout homme doit traverser une fois la grande solitude,
pour y développer son industrie, son courage et sa patience."
My sect is Providence, my proselytes are me, my cult is justice! - Saint-Martin
“Brother why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking!
Live in silence.” - Jalal ad-Din Rumi
La mobilisation est le ressort du Vénérable Maître.
"A simple gift consisting of 2 letters and some dots".
"He smiled and said that Martinism was "a circle whose circumference was everywhere and the centre nowhere."
"Tout homme doit traverser une fois la grande solitude,
pour y développer son industrie, son courage et sa patience."
My sect is Providence, my proselytes are me, my cult is justice! - Saint-Martin
Un martiniste est martiniste à vie : il n'y a aucun pouvoir sur terre qui puisse défaire ce lien!
Martinism is a system of mystical Christian Illuminist philosophy and esoteric practice based upon the secret instruction & public writings of French philosopher Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803).
Martinism is a system of mystical Christian Illuminist philosophy and esoteric practice based upon the secret instruction & public writings of French philosopher Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803).
"Ik ben tot het besef gekomen dat al het zichtbare voortkomt uit het onzichtbare en dat het wezenlijke voor ons als mens verborgen is." - Pim van Lommel
"Het was mijn taak in deze wereld de geest van de mens via een natuurlijke weg te leiden naar de bovennatuurlijke dingen die hem rechtens toekomen, maar waarvan hij absoluut geen voorstelling meer heeft, hetzij door zijn val, hetzij door het verkeerde onderricht van zijn leraren ..." - L.C. de Saint-Martin
:::Ad Magnum Architecti Universi Gloriam Sub Auspiciis Philosophi Incogniti Verabili Magistri Nostri:::
MARTINISM is a system of mystical Christian Illuminist philosophy and esoteric practice based upon the secret instruction and public writings of French philosopher Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803). The practical application of the instructions and writings is empowered by the personal transmission of an Initiation called by Martinists The Initiation. Both men and women are welcomed as Martinist Initiates.
Of all the Mystical groups that flowered in France during the 18th century none has had an influence comparable to that which entered into history under the name of MARTINISM…
shrouded in a perennial aura of mystery, which surrounds the famous “Supérieurs Inconnus”; the keepers of the rosicrucian secrets.
The Martinist philosophy is based on the “Treatise on the reintegration of beings” by Martinez de Pasqually and the writings of two of his students: Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean Baptiste Willermoz. The teachings focus on Christian mysticism, Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah.
Thus the objective of the Martinist Order is the Reintegration of beings: the aim is to reconstitute the "Man-Spirit" by the evolution of the "Man of Desire", through the state of "New Man".
After the death of his mentor Martinez de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin discovered the writings of Jacob Boehme, whom he called his 'second master'. Slowly but gradually he turned away from the theurgy of the Ordre des Chevaliers Maçons Élus Coëns de l'Univers in favour of the Way of the Heart.
The Martinists...admired by the wise...feared by the tyrant...persecuted by the dictator...respected by the mystic...sought by the Seeker. Since the XVIIIth century, the Martinists have been found at the very heart and center of esotericism and mystical belief in all its various expressions. While the Martinist Order is not a secret society, rarely do individual Martinists allow themselves to be seen directly; generally, only a hint of their presence is noted. Yet always, their influence is great, and their charisma is felt by those who know. Frequently are they discussed by the uninitiated who have little knowledge or understanding of the Martinists or their abilities. Today, Martinism flourishes, and its portals are still open to the Men and Women of Desire who wish to exit the Forest of Errors and enter the Light to be found at the Gates of Mercy.
Dr. Karl R. H. Frick :
Von beginn an gab es für den Martinisten zwei Wege, um das gesteckte Ziel zu erreichen:
es war dies einmal der operative (magische) Weg und der des "Herzens" oder mystische, der im cercle intérieur oder in einem cercle extérieur vollzogen wurde oder noch wird.
Neben diesen beiden recht unterschiedlichen Wegen des modernen Martinisten zur Vervollkommnung des Menschen sind auch die Lehren recht verschieden von den einzelnen Ideologen under den Martinisten interpretiert worden. Während z.B. einer der "Ahnherren", Jacob Böhme, die Frage einer Reinkarnation der menschlichen Seele, ignorierte, Pasqually vernachlässigte und Saint Martin ablehnte, ist sie doch von vielen Martinisten positiv beantwortet worden.
Man könnte ebenso die Quadratur des Kreises versuchen, um die widersprüchlichen Lehren des Martinismus im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert in völlige Kongruenz zu überführen. Im Januarheft versuchte man in der L’Initiation die princpes fondamentaux du martinisme zu fixieren. Doch auch dieses Bemühen blieb ein Fragment. Am 13. Oktober 1968 unternahm man wohl den letzten Versuch, ein einheitliches Obergebäude der Lehre zu verkünden.
Fassen wir einige Lehrsätze zusammen, um wenigstens einen Überblick der lehre zu erhalten:
Freiheit, Menschlichkeit, Brüderlichtkeit und Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau sind die Leitideen.
The cosmology of Martinism from Beyond Enlightenment Author: Harvey, David Allen :
The cosmology of Martinism, or the body of doctrines elaborated by Louis Claude de Saint-Martin in the late eighteenth century and revived by Encausse and his followers in the late nineteenth, exemplifies this creative religious syncretism; in fact, Faivre described Martinism as a "movement which brought together ... the heritage of almost all of the Hermetic and analogical mysticism of the West."
While the Martinists considered themselves Christians, believing in the Trinity, the prophets of the Old Testament, and in the existence of Heaven (though not in that of Hell), they also believed in reincarnation and multiple existences, and integrated these elements into a compelling vision much in keeping with the philosophical optimism of the eighteenth century. They rejected the doctrines of original sin and the eternal damnation of sinners as logically inconsistent with the concept of a benevolent, omnipotent deity, arguing instead that individuals would have a potentially infinite number of chances to gain salvation, or as they put it, to find reintegration to the divine unity. While this concept seems closer to the Buddhist idea of Nirvana than to traditional Christian notions of the afterlife, it was in fact inspired by the seventeenth-century German mystic Jakob Boehme, who placed the fall and ultimate reintegration of mankind at the center of an elaborate cosmology.
While Catholics and Protestants argued over who would be saved, and how salvation would be obtained, the Martinists maintained that all of us would get there, sooner or later...
Christus heeft de mensheid verlost, niet door zijn dood maar door zijn leven, en de zaligheid van de mens berust niet op zijn geloof in een Zoon van God, die heeft geleden en is gestorven voor de zonden van de mensheid, maar op zijn bereidheid zijn leven in te richten naar een goddelijk voorbeeld.
For myself I feel Martinism is what I had hoped Freemasonry would be, I have travelled a very long path and I have found that which I consider to be my home. Martinism contains the most beautiful and more importantly practical symbolism I have ever encountered, the philosophy of Louis Claude, Pasqualez and Willermoz is simply sublime and most importantly the whole system is as pure as it was when Papus set the whole thing in motion. It also encourages philisophical discussion of the highest order where no ones opinion is wrong, just different.
"The laws of your life are within you: in that light that shines forth from your Being, as an Image of God, not in written books, which are mere idols of men." Guard this Light, and never let it spill into empty words. - Those who firmly guards his words, he guards his thoughts, he guards his feelings, and those who guards thus, he rules himself well." - Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin